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By Jimmy Ayal

Dozens of photographers rushed the full diving dress and rush towards the shore to begin the dive when the sun is still shy on the eastern horizon appears to Naira Banda Islands, District of Central Maluku, Maluku.
Various types of cameras to the latest output complete with waterproof gloves clutched tightly in hand when they begin to throw themselves into the sea to start the dive.
Target prey, the photographer was none other than the “Mandarin Fish” (Synchiropus splendidus), one of the rare fish are protected and become a world tourism mascot.
Hunting ‘mandarin fish’ on the island of Banda’s become one of the main target of dozens of domestic and foreign photographers who follow the competition underwater photo contest themed “Banda Rally Underwater Photo Competition 2010” held in the Banda Islands, 24 to 29 April last.
“Penyelamannya should be done early morning before sunrise, because that’s when the mandarin fish out of rock crevices in search of food,” said one competitor underwater photographs, Harry Susanto.
Another photographer, Aida Kurnia Fitr from Jakarta, claimed very curious to immortalize the famous mandarin fish and the current global tourism icon because of their color and unique shape.
“I’m really curious because it had not been able to dive several times photographing mandarin fish. Perhaps because of my lack of patience waiting for his fish out looking for food,” said Aida.
Aida admitted, after several menyelaman, he could see the rare fish that has a combination of color throughout the body, but did not get to take her picture, because he could not wait quietly in the water.

Mandarin City

The divers did not need to go far out to sea to be able to see and photograph the mandarin fish, because these are the habitat of rare fish in the waters around Banda Naira and demaga front hotel owned by community leaders Maulana Banda, Des Alwi.
“Just sit on the edge of the surf in front of the retaining talud Hotel Maulana this then you already can see the mandarin fish to play while looking for food among the coral reefs,” said community leader Banda, Des Alwi, the number of divers.
Regions waters between Demaga Banda Naira and Banda Volcano been known by the divers inside and outside the country as “Mandarin City”, because that’s where pretty rare fish habitat that could easily be found.
“There are many and without diving too we can see with the naked eye mandarin fish from surface water, because they live and breed in the ‘dive spot’,” said Pieter Manihin, one dive guide who escorted the photographer inside and outside country during dives on the island of Banda.
Every time after a dive at some dive sites that the committee determined the race, and returned to the Hotel Maulana dusk, the photographers certainly plunge back into the water in front of Hotel Maulana to hunt mandarin fish.
“Only in locations around the pier and the Banda Volcano, we can easily come across colonies of mandarin fish that swim to traverse in search of food. The number is very much because this location has become a mandarin fish habitats to breed,” said the former Commander XVI / Pattimura Maj. Gen.. M. Noer Muis participating dive with dozens of domestic and foreign photographers.
Noer Muis who is currently Commander of I / Bukit Barisan claimed to have repeatedly made dives in the waters around Pier Banda, when he was appointed Regional Commander of Pattimura, and can capture a rare fish that only 10 to 15 centimeters in size it.
In April and May, these fish than go out to find food, as well as mating, so the lucky photographer who can capture this fish mating process.
“I am very lucky to photographing male and female mandarin fish mating, although had to wait almost an hour in the water,” said another participant from Jakarta, Dona Praditya.
Momentum shots male mating mandarin fish and betini This also helped deliver Dona II won the underwater photo contest held in order to welcome the ‘event’ international shipping Banda Sail 2010 “scheduled for next July to August.
Des Alwi acknowledge, the existence of Mandarin City increasingly popular among divers and tourists within and outside the country, just because stories of mouth.
“Usually divers or tourists who dive in mandarin city and can take pictures or make movies about these fish, would tell relatives, acquaintances and their friends, hence creating curiosity,” he said.
Another photographer, Josephine Suciptja, the origin of Medan, also admitted to wondering with mandarin fish belonging to the rare reef fish, because he has not managed to immortalize it.
“The fish shy, if you see the presence of direct diver hiding in the rocks, and I could hardly take her picture,” said Josephine.
Josephine penyalaman even have to do for three times in the spot Mandarin City in order to capture fish that pertained pretty because streaks of color in her body.
Harry Susanto competitors claim to have photographed the mandarin fish, but because they feel less good results, so choose to dive for two more days in order to capture the fish.
“The first day I was able to photograph the mandarin fish, but the results are less good, so that should take advantage of the race for the last two days made several dives, especially at night in order to obtain optimal results before the photographs were collected to assess the jurors,” he said.
Fish that became an icon of international tourism has only a body length ranges from 10 to 15 centimeters and is usually out of the reef in search of food only in the morning and evening.
According to Pieter Manihin instuktur dive, the diver must be willing to be patient and wait a long time if you want to view and photograph the mandarin fish out of place persembunyinnya.
“If divers waited patiently, then it could get a lot of pictures of the mandarin fish behavior, including when these fish mating, given the current began to enter the mandarin fish mating season,” he said.
Pieter adds, mandarin fish prey target participants Banda Rally Underwater Photo Competition 2010 for ketegori macro, so curious and they feel forced to make repeated dives in the morning and night to be photographed.
For divers who can be patient and mandarin fish are comfortable with their presence, then any behavior of this rare fish can be immortalized.
For the divers and tourists visiting the island of Banda, it would not be complete and tasteless if it has not succeeded in capturing rare fish behavior to the shape of the face like a bird and a mascot ‘event’ of international shipping in 2010 Banda Sail this. (Ant-amb)

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