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Garuda Indonesia Airlines is preparing for the opening of flight routes from Jakarta to Ambon, the capital of Maluku province, with a transit in Makassar, South Sulawesi, started the first week in June 2010.
General Manager of Garuda Indonesia Branch Hendra Sumarno in Ambon on Friday, said it was preparing human resources to manage the operation of four-star airlines to provide excellent service.
Besides preparing for an office in Jl.Raya Pattimura Ambon, situated alongside the hotel’s Pearl.
Menjadwalnya Garuda in flight departed from Jakarta at 10.00 am, a transit in Makassar, next to the International Airport Pattimura Ambon. From Ambon, the plane left for Jakarta at 17:00 pm CDT.
“We scheduled a flight from Ambon that will arrive in Jakarta ahead of the Garuda flight to Holland by considering the majority of foreign tourists visiting the Moluccas are from Western Europe,” said Sumarno.
Garuda operates aircraft that has a business capacity ranges 14-16 seats (seat) while the 120 economy seats.
Currently airlines are stopping in the Pattimura Airport Lion Air, Batavia Air, Sriwijaya Air and Parade route-Jakarta-Makasar, Ambon-Jakarta-Surabaya-Jakarta and Ambon commute.
Opening planned flight path was conducted simultaneously with the addition of 23 new vehicles in 2010 Garuda Indonesia.
Garuda Indonesia will add 23 units of aircraft type Boeing 800 737 series (new generation) and one unit of 330 Airbus 200 series, so that the number of Garuda’s fleet will eventually reach 92 units in operation. (Ant-amb)

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