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30 boats registered regatta-AMBON DARWIN


30 boats registered regatta-AMBON DARWIN

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At least 30 boats from various countries have enrolled to participate in an international regatta Darwin (Northern Australia) – Ambon, the capital of Maluku province are scheduled to take place next July 24.
“It’s been 30 boats from various countries officially register to participate in an international regatta that will be released officially from the sea port of Darwin July 24 to come,” said Coordinator of the Darwin-Ambon race screen Hellen de Lima, as confirmed AFP, in Ambon, Wednesday.
de Lima said, at least 60 to 70 participants expressed a desire to follow the regatta which traveled 600 nautical miles, but only 30 sailboats are officially enrolled.
He said the race has been held since 1976 and is a joint realization of the Darwin-Ambon city brothers had been discussed with the Consulate General of Indonesia in Australia and vice versa, especially concerning the release schedule of participants from Darwin.
“I was with the Director General of Tourism Development, Kemenbudpar Firmansyah Rahim participants have discussed the technical start of Darwin who schedule events in conjunction with the implementation of international shipping Banda Sail 2010, with the Indonesian Consulate nd Australian Government, in order to run smoothly and safely,” he said.
Based on results of meeting of the Darwin-Ambon race screen will be removed from the sea port of Darwin, whereas participants in the Banda Sail away from the other locations with different time schedules.
Competition is gaining the trophy from the Minister BUDPAR, it is also gaining total prize of 50 million, which prepared the municipal government and Ministry BUDPAR Ambon.
For his part, demolished de Lima, will discuss the technical implementation and internasiol class regatta in the world famous with the mayor of Ambon, Jopi Papilaja, especially the prime one-stop service to the participants from various countries.
Added, the implementation of an international regatta in 2010 was categorized as more lively and the number of participants continues to increase due to get a lot of support both from government and private sector in Maluku, Indonesia and Australia.
“This race received direct support from Australia’s largest pearl companies namely Pass Palay will specially chartered planes to transport the supporters and officials of Australia from Darwin to Ambon,” he said.
He pointed out, the international regatta that will be one of the container potential of tourism promotion as well as conditions in Ambon and Maluku provinces in general, so well known and attract more foreign tourists to visit in the future.

Beginnings Contest

Sailboat race from Darwin to Ambon was originally organized by the Cruising Yacht Association of the Northern Territory Incorporated (CYANT). The association held a sailboat race in 1976 until 1998 and subsequently suspended because of security and safety reasons.
On development, the number of participants increases, the number of participants listed on the 1998 race to reach 100 ships, but the execution was canceled due to security instability in Ambon, due to social conflicts.
The competition was revived and begins with the visit of representatives from Ambon to Darwin in April 2006, by bringing the mission to restart the race activities. During the visit, the approach made to the Dinah Beach Cruising Yacht Association Incorporated (DBCYA).
Association requires that showed interest in the situation in Ambon has been declared safe. When the delegation sent to Ambon DBCYA and ensure the situation is safe and ready to welcome international cruise in 2006 up to 2009 years ago. (Ant-amb)

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